I can’t believe I am back. The trip went by so fast. I had so much fun. I loved touring the city, glaring at every site around me. I loved bonding with the Hungarian teenagers and sharing both serious and funny moments with them. I loved walking around in a foreign country, not really knowing where I was going, but completely trusting everyone around me to lead the way. The friendships I made and the experiences I had were simply unforgettable. The fact that I flew across the Atlantic ocean, met people from a different culture, and immediately bonded with them is
absolutely incredible! When do you get that chance again? When I tell most people that I went to Hungary they mostly want to know what sites I visited, where I ate, how beautiful the city was, etc. However, the most important part to me was who I was with. I had the best time with these Hungarian students and I can’t believe I have to wait
another six months to see them! The experience just wouldn’t have been the same without any single one of them.
One of the best experiences I shared with them was the Shabbaton. As we all celebrated Shabbat together, we shared our stories as Jewish teenagers and bonded together as a group. Every song we sang and every tradition we took part in felt so meaningful. I have always loved
Shabbat, but not necessarily because of the tradition;
rather because of the people I am sharing the traditions with. With the people I shared these Jewish customs with, I think that this was one of the best Shabbats I have ever experienced.
Now that I am back in America, I will go back to my regular Shabbat and my regular routine. I am no longer going to SSG every morning. I am no longer in a foreign country, exploring this new city. I am no longer meeting my new Hungarian friends for a day full of fun and bonding experiences, as well as sharing our Jewish traditions. I am
no longer in Hungary.
However, I am still part of this program, and I plan on staying part of this program and being active in it. Hopefully, I can stay in touch with my new Hungarian friends and when I see them next year, I can reconnect with them as if we had never been apart. This whole program is an amazing experience that I will cherish forever. I am so
thankful to be a part of it and I am so thankful for every single person who shared this experience with me. ~Alma