Our 16 hour-long flight to the US began at the Budapest Airport. We changed flights in Istanbul where we had two hours to explore that huge and amazing airport.
After our little tour at the airport, we went through security. An hour later we got on the second plane, and our 11 hour-long flight started. When we landed, we were so exhausted, but also very excited. We picked up our luggages and we met Alan Reinitz, who is the CEO of SOS International Enriching Jewish Identities. He escorted us to the bus which took us to the Hotel where we spent our first night.
The plan for Monday was to explore Washington DC, but it changed last minute.
At 11 o’clock we took a really cool school bus to Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School. We arrived there at around 1 PM. We had such a lovely and warm greeting from our BT pals that none of us will ever forget. They were playing music while we were getting off the bus and it was one of the most memorable moment in all of our lives. They gave us a tour around the school and we ate bagels with PBJ, or with cream cheese. After lunch we went to the National Aquarium where we had the opportunity to go around the Baltimore Inner Harbor. From 5 to 6 we hang out with our new friends at school and had a really fun time. At 6 o’clock we had Kosher Chinese food for dinner, and after that our friends arrived from Golf Club, and we went to Target together. We can all agree that the first day with the Americans was one of our best days ever.
Making new friends, even when they do not speak the same language as we do, is not difficult at all.
Written by: Anna, Margit; Liza, Kárpáti; Petra, Csengei