Power of Play

What amazing day! We had the opportunity to participate  in Kim Adam’s workshop about the Power of Play. We really liked that she introduced  practical ideas about how to support play by making learning visible. Play is the ideal mindset for creativity and innovation, which are very important qualities and will be even more important in the future.

After the workshop we visited the classrooms again which are all set to receive the children on Monday. They are all very carefully organised,  welcoming spaces with natural materials and open ended toys.

We would like to say thank you to JCC and its wonderful community , especially Debbie, Mykenzie, and Ilana for welcoming us and sharing their knowledge  with us.

We are hoping to form a good working relationship between JCC staff and Lauder Community School Kindergarten, Budapest. We can exchange ideas and our experiences.

We are grateful to SOS International especially Fran for their generous support and the opportunity to participate in this amazing program. 

Read more of Lauder Javne Ovoda’s posts here

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