
We have just wrapped up our week in Palo Alto.  We were fortunate to attend and participate in workshops about play, communication, team building, relationships and child centered classrooms.  

We got to visit the classrooms at the beginning of the week.  They had stacks of materials all over the place and the furniture was pushed into piles. When we visited at the end of the week, it was so interesting to see the transformation as the rooms shape up into the spaces that the children will use when they arrive in the middle of next week.  The faculty shared that they are flexible and will change things up as they learn about the children and their interests and needs.  

Lovely relationships were built between our SOS Hungarian friends and the JCC faculty.  A few of the educators exchanged emails with Evelin and Saci.  Although the time difference is too big for the children to zoom with each other, the hope is that they can exchange video clips , photos, and ideas.  

A highlight of the week was spending time at the farm that Debbie manages.  It is an amazing place that hosts many groups of people and provides produce and eggs each day.  My favorites were the fresh figs and plums.  We were treated to an amazing dinner on the deck of Debbie’s home, with views all the way to the San Francisco Bay.  

Last night dinner was provided by the JCC and included our Palo Alto SOS friends Mykenzie and Debbie, as well as school director Ilana and former school director Esther.  Each of these talented women contributed so much to this experience.  We are so grateful.  

Today Debbie and I had a great breakfast and final debrief with Evelin and Saci.  Although sad to say good-bye we are all coming away with new friends and enhanced knowledge.  

~Fran P

Read more of Lauder Javne Ovoda’s posts here

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