A wonderful surprise guest in Scheiber Sándor Gimnázium
I was having my Friday lunch in the canteen when some of our students arrived. They greeted me, then they were standing there and smiling at me. It was a bit strange at first. One of them did not look so familiar. In some seconds I realized that the reason why I did not recognize the student was that I could not believe my eyes. It was Ami Noorani, the alumni student of Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community, and one of our forever Gesher Ambassadors. He was really standing there and smiling at me, it was not just a daydream. Ami is spending 10 days in Budapest and staying with some of our GesherAmbassadors: Illés Gergely, senior student in Scheiber Sándor Gimnázium (SSG), Petra Csengei, senior student SSG, Dávid Szilágyi, senior student, SSG, Benedek Kálló and Mózes Borbély, our alumni students.
We are thrilled to see that this program made our students, both BT and SSG, become lifelong friends.
I am grateful to Alan Reinitz and Glynis Smith on behalf of SOS International Enriching Jewish Identities for providing this life transformative program for the two schools.

We really appreciate the kind hospitality that Beth TfilohDahan Community has been providing for all over these years!
We say thank you to all our beloved colleagues in Beth TfilohDahan Community who have been supporting us for all these years.
We can all see how wonderful things we have done together. I feel extremely proud.
We are looking forward to finally meeting our BT friends in Budapest.
Violetta Varga, SSG, GAP Program Leader
Our life changing experience

We met Ami Noorani thanks to the Gesher Ambassadors Program 2 years ago, when some of the Scheiber students went to the U.S.
He now studies in Israel, therefore he had the chance to visit us in Hungary for 10 days. He’s staying with people who have participated in the program. We try to show him around Budapest and let him taste all kinds of Hungarian dishes. We’re all very much enjoying this time and hope we can do this again soon. We’re thankful to everyone who made and let us join the program, we wouldn’t be where we are without them., and we wouldn’t have made such friends form America. This shows that this program wasn’t just a one-time trip, it was a life changing experience we’ll never forget. We have built the “bridge” we had been trying to build for years between the schools. Thank you!
Petra, Csengei, SSG senior, GAP Program Ambassador
Illés Gergely, SSG senior, GAP Program Ambassador