First day of school
The first day at a new school is always a bit scary, especially when you don’t speak the language. I certainly do not think I was the only one who was nervous to start teaching today. But I was surprised ...
The first day at a new school is always a bit scary, especially when you don’t speak the language. I certainly do not think I was the only one who was nervous to start teaching today. But I was surprised ...
My first students of the week at the Scheiber Sandor School were a group of sixth graders who seemed as nervous about me, as I was about them. But, as I greeted each student with a hand shake and smile, ...
For my first official blog post of my SOS International’s Morim Project, I could tell you how privileged I felt to be in a school in a foreign country teaching classes about music composition, or ...
Emily, a vivacious 11th year student with flawless English, ushers me up and down hallways, in and out of the classrooms and library and stops in a spacious lobby adorned with a row of lovely stained ...
Should it be a surprise to learn that teens in Hungary are just like teens in America? Should it be a surprise to learn that the same techniques that we know work in a classroom in Baltimore also work ...
Learning. Where does one begin? All primates learn; indeed, one might make the argument that most complex life forms learn. Yet, as educators this topic has incredibly profound and curious hurdles ...
I have not been so nervous walking into a classroom to teach since my first day at Beth Tfiloh. I have taught at Beth Tfiloh for over 20 years and I have taught every grade in the high school and every ...
Our first night in Budapest. Tired and jet-lagged, we are all still so overjoyed to be here. We had expected to learn an immense amount about our partner teachers, our partner school, and Hungary, but ...
Leaving the airport in Budapest what struck me immediately was the impact of globalization. Within minutes of pulling out of the airport parking lot, I saw signs for Burger King, MacDonald’s, the ...
There must be thousands of quotes and clichés about journeys, I found one in particular that spoke directly to me: “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step” – or in my case 4,528 ...
I’m standing on a narrow street in what was once the Jewish Ghetto in Budapest. One of a team of seven teachers from Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School, I have come to Budapest to work with teachers ...
We are currently sitting in the Munich Airport, waiting for our connecting flight back to the States. We have had Shabbat to reflect on our time here in Budapest and we all feel as if we have gained ...
Last full day. I went with Alan, Glynis and Rachel to the Dohany synagogue this morning. We had been there earlier in the week when we toured the building, saw the memorial and assisted the curator ...
Friday was an abbreviated day, although still very full. I taught four classes during the morning and will genuinely miss the opportunities I had to study with the Lauder students. Afterwards we met ...
As I am writing this a few days after the events, it is difficult to keep track of all that we have done. We visited at the Scheiber School, which is the other large Jewish Day School in Budapest. ...
Concluding thoughts
On our last day we had some free time in the morning and early afternoon. We had the option of going to Shul and eating with Rabbi Frolich and the community at Talmud Torah Building ...
Friday night was celebrated at Moishe house, which is a place for the young Jewish people from the community to hang out together and aside from having Shabbat dinners together, organize social events ...
On Saturday morning, I went to the Dohany Synagogue for services. We had toured the synagogue earlier in the week, but this was my first experience at a Jewish prayer service in Budapest. The Dohany ...
Today was our last day teaching at Lauder, and I had a great class of 10th graders, who are the equivalent age of American 11th graders. I began with my introduction to modern Jewish history and specifically, ...
Thank you to the Lauder School Community!
I would like to thank Ildiko Szarvas for opening up her art classroom to me and providing me with her expertise and knowledge in the fine arts and art education. ...