Two educators from Frajda JCC, Krakow Poland will spend a week of intensive learning at the Oshman Family JCC in Palo Alto, California.
- Continuing across the oceanSince today was Grandparents Day at the preschool and it was going to be very chaotic, we decided to have ...
- Just the tip of the icebergThe Magical Bridge Playground was our first stop today. This four-year-old area is part of a larger park in Palo ...
- The most important thing in creating is the creative process itselfWe started our day with a morning meeting with teachers from school. We introduced ourselves and told everyone about our ...
- It warms my heart to observe the MorimOur day at the Palo Alto JCC began with a morning meeting for the preschool staff. I spoke to the ...
- Another day and next observations…Another day and next observations. We started the day by watching films about the techniques used in the Reggio Emilia ...