Leaving one’s comfort zone

I’m feeling happy because the absence of them makes me sad.

There are some things in life that are so significant for you that you literally feel depressed after losing it. I think it is also true for this trip. I have met some awesome people and now I had to say goodbye to them. Even if we are living in totally different worlds, deep inside we are not that different. Actually, we are all the same Jewish teenagers. I feel like Rabbi Soskil’s daughter. She was right saying: ‘We are all the same kids except the fact we speak a different language’. But, as I saw the sad faces as we were leaving, everyone felt the same way.

The other important thing that I have learned is: crossing your comfort zones. There were occasions when I didn’t want to do things because I felt uncomfortable, it was too much or too hard for me. But there was always someone to help me overcome my fear. Just like writing the Dvar Torah. I only applied for this task, because no one else wanted to. I was worried because I’m not religious, I didn’t know what to write and most of all I’m really afraid of giving speeches in front of more than two people. So it was very challenging for me. But many people helped and in the end, it turned out a success. In fact, we’ve got a lot of compliments, acknowledgments and hugs. ~ Lillu

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