Shabbat – Richness of the day

This fantastic Shabbaton has been held for the second time this school-year… and it will be a source of spiritual and physical strength for the coming season.

It is hard to find words that could well describe my feelings and the richness of the day. We often say that everything is coming from ha Shem and therefore it is not accidental that the weekly parasha is dealing with ‘chesed’…
How important that we learn to love in an unselfish way and to give love not only to close relatives and friends.

We spoke of this in relation to the Torah portion and the example of the chasida – the stork – that only feeds his own family therefore we cannot eat it.

A great ‘thank you’ to Alan Reinitz, who had the vision and then he realized this amazing program. Greeting the Shabat Queen has been the crowning of the week we have spent together. The fantastic personalities and commitment of the two American rabbis have been felt all the way through and captivated and motivated us all.  Shared prayers, singing, games and dancing have lifted us to a higher spiritual level.

It was his first Torah aliyah for one of our students, which will become a lifelong memory for him.

Rabbi Soskil led a game where we had to say what was common and what was different about us. We are all different personalities, but what we have in common is that we love this program and all it brings into our lives and how it is building the future of our students.

We are grateful to ha Shem and to the organizers and bis 120 to this program!

Dr Andrea Tóth, teacher of Judaism and Hebrew

Read more of Scheiber Sandor teacher’s posts here

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