The Best Experience of my Life

Feeling an overwhelming sense of excitement and gratitude for the opportunity to participate in the trip to Budapest, I could not wait to get there. I knew this would be an unforgettable experience. The friendships I made will last a lifetime; I know we will stay connected through this amazing bond.

I am so thankful that I was able to spend a week in an environment like no other. I have learned so much. I learned that strangers can become friends within five minutes, that Hungarian is a hard language to learn, and that I enjoy stepping out of my comfort zone while meeting new people. The friendships I have made are irreplaceable and I can’t express the passion I feel about the trip and the memories.

Each day I had the opportunity to explore new ideas while solidifying my friendships. Huddled with BT and SSG students and faculty, learning about the Shoe Memorial and the devastating history behind it are memories I will never forget. Knowing the hardships that the Jewish people had to endure in order for Judaism to be so lively today, makes me feel proud of my religion and ancestors.

Traveling to Budapest, learning about the Jewish sites while joined as two sister-schools, gave me a greater appreciation for my community and my Jewish identity. Each site had a different story that impacted Judaism and the Jewish people as a whole. Through hardships and good fortune, I know that I can always turn to my religion and new friends. I will never forget the amazing experience that I have been able to take part in. I am forever grateful for this meaningful experience, and for the bond between BT and SSG.

Read more of Beth Tfiloh students posts here

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