I really felt home

As I had already been to BT for a week last year, I knew what the school was like and so had I seen most of the teachers and I knew where I could find the different places in school, so for me there was no reason to be nervous. I expected the same things that I had already known from the previous year. I thought that everything would be the same, at least very similar. But it wasn’t. Not just because this year’s program was much better organized, but because of the new people, new experiences, the vibes and also my attitude. I was more curious about everyday school life, the plenty of ideas that we could bring to life in SSG, too. This year it was a great pleasure that I could teach the 9th and 10th graders about our school community and what it was like to be a Hungarian Jew. I hoped I could demonstrate the differences and similarities between our schools and despite the distance, we are part of one big community, the Jewish community. I also really enjoyed staying with my host family, this way I think I was much more involved in the life of the family, I could build relationships better. The only thing that was the same as last year is that it was a very eventful and joyful week. It was really nice that on Sunday we had some spare time with the BT kids on our own, and we could do whatever we wanted. I had a feeling that it was a regular weekend, spending some time with my friends and the next week we would learn again together in school. But unfortunately, we had to and say goodbye and set off for home. Now that we are at home we have a few ideas that we want to make in our school with some of my mates. We would really like to start a project to paint the ceiling tiles as we saw it in BT. Me and my friend, Gábor also want to write a plan on how we can accomplish the art sessions. I would like to believe that we are able to bring it into effect, because we have everything for it, space, teachers, schedules, time, a lot of talented kids, etc. if we really want to. ~ Lilla A., Grade 13

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