It was worth waiting
When we heard that we were going to meet some kids from Baltimore, which is literally the other end of the word, we could hardly believe it. Everybody was so excited and happy. It was such a wonderful ...
When we heard that we were going to meet some kids from Baltimore, which is literally the other end of the word, we could hardly believe it. Everybody was so excited and happy. It was such a wonderful ...
Tears stream down my face as we stand outside the airport. I look around to all the people who became my family within four days. Crying, I continue to give everyone hugs even though I had already hugged ...
We stood behind the wall and heard all the voices. Silently, I prayed that we will get along with our Hungarian peers on the other side of the wall. Little did I know, that we would become so close, ...
On Friday night, Rabbi Soskil shared one of his favorite shabbat stories, encouraging others to do the same. I shared the shabbat that I spent in Israel with my eighth grade class. Abel, another Hungarian, ...
“Now what?” A Hungarian teenager questioned the American Chargé D’affaires of Hungary. Discussing the Hungarian politics, the students at Scheiber Sándor wonder what they can do to change the ...
“Don’t forget to pack your suitcases full” , the head of my camp calls out with a large grin on her face. At the end of camp each year, I, along with my camp friends, are told to pack our suitcases ...
As our arms wrapped around each other’s shoulders and our bodies swayed under the candlelight to the slow tune of the Havdallah service, an onlooker could have never distinguished between the Hungarian ...
As I entered Scheiber Sandor for the first time ever, what sounded like a hundred muffled voices behind a tall blue wall filled my ears. Suddenly, it no longer mattered that I had not slept in almost ...
“HASHEM MELEACH, HASHEM MALACH!” Daniel was screaming. Daniel and I and the rest of the boys were in the midst of a moshpit right before Havdallah on Saturday night. You see, there was much anxiety ...
“Nobody likes it here” she said. I was sitting across from Laura at lunch in the SSG cafeteria. Throughout the day I had been going around asking kids about their plans after they graduate. My ...
“Sha-sha-shavua tov! Sha-sha-shavua tov!”. I listen to the sounds and see the happy jumping of smiling faces still in shabbat clothes.
I watch this magnificent post-shabbaton scene on my phone. ...
The room was packed. One would assume that because it was filled with so many people one would hear the whispers and giggles of those distracted from prayer, but, in that special setting, that assumption ...
It’s only the second day of the exchange and I’m already skiving off during lunch. While no one in the group normally struggles with truancy, all six of us are actively involved in skipping the ...
“Ok guys, time to go to your rooms. See you all in six hours, and please try to get some sleep. We have a big travel day tomorrow” Rabbi Soskil announced. We shuddered as he delivered these dreaded ...
Amidst the jabber of the unfamiliar Hungarian language, I finally heard familiar words. I sighed in relief, as after two days of understanding not one word of Hungarian, these words had meaning to me: ...
With the crowd breathing deeply, the final hugs and words of departure were being given. Leaving Budapest, Hungary and twenty-four amazing students I had learn to call my friends and family over the ...
Peering up at me, little smiling face awaited to learn about and meet “real Americans”. Being my first time out of the country, I joined eleven other Beth Tfiloh students on a journey to Hungry ...
During these four amazing days in Budapest, Hungary, I had the privilege of attending a cultural, religious, and social experiment that has truly changed my life for the better. Throughout this incredible ...
My first time in a European country, I had no idea what to expect. We got to the school and were instantly greeted by countless of smiling, nervous faces. I immediately sprang into action, meeting every ...