Our latest Reggio training in Sofia
Thanks to SOS International and the Lauder Javne School of Budapest, I could get another chance to be a part of a new Reggio workshop with my four colleagues in Sofia.
Our mentors ...
Thanks to SOS International and the Lauder Javne School of Budapest, I could get another chance to be a part of a new Reggio workshop with my four colleagues in Sofia.
Our mentors ...
Today was a beautiful day. We started the day by visiting three classes in the preschool. We were welcomed warmly into each room by teachers and children. Following our observations, we met with Beti, ...
It is so powerful to see 40 Jewish early childhood educators sitting together in one room, speaking 4 different languages, all buzzing with excitement and eager to learn. We were warmly welcomed ...
We started the day at Gan Balagan, meeting up with Beti and Niya, as well as our friends who came from Lauder Javne Ovode in Budapest, with their director Szonja. Beti and Niya took us on a tour of ...
I feel fortunate to have the support of Adelson’s administration and math department to teach ‘Financial Math’. The course covers personal finance concepts that many young Americans say they never learned. I tell students the goal of the course is that they don’t look back on their Adelson education and think ‘Why didn’t they teach me this in school?’
I brought this same question to Lauder and never expected the Hungarian students’ interest in learning about Investing to be so strong. Students learned about 7 common ways to invest (Savings accounts, Index funds, individual stocks, etc.) and the pros and cons of each. They then played a web-based game that simulated 20 years of investing in 20 minutes. A competition was held to see which investing strategy would yield the greatest result. The leaderboard updated in real time and the collective cheers and groans could be heard throughout the class and as the markets went through their typical ups and downs. Students were surprised at how much emotion they felt but took to heart the advice that investing is a marathon, not a sprint.
I’m confident that my new colleagues at Lauder will begin incorporating personal finance topics into their math lessons. I appreciate the opportunity to debrief with their team and discuss current best teaching practices. Teaching personal finance and financial literacy concepts has given me renewed life as an educator. I’m appreciative of the opportunity to bring these strategies to students in Budapest. Understanding how to build wealth and work with money is something that all students appreciate, no matter their home country.
Brian Hemsworth
AEC Math Teacher
Specifically, in my AP CSP course, students are undertaking projects where they design apps based on problems they identify in the world that they can impact, as well as study and understand computer innovations from around the world and the impact they make. It would be incredible if we could develop a joint project between our students and those in Budapest that would have an impact on their knowledge of computer science and project development – and/or perhaps a project exchange that could impact both communities. This could also be done in conjunction with our Tech Entrepreneur program. Additionally, I have experience leading distance learning programs, something which could help all continue to foster the connections made beyond the face to face experiences. We could further encourage exchanges through websites like Flipgrid for student and teacher driven sharing and learning.
Traveling outside of America is one of things that I have come to value highly in my life. I have had incredible experiences connecting with people, learning about their lives, and the stories they have to share. Whether it was when I was young and traveled outside of the US to Israel for the first time through a Hebrew exchange program, or just recently as I traveled and lived in Barcelona for a period of time with my family – walking through history, experiencing things hands-on, and seeing how it could bring to life what one can only experience in those ways, I continue to value and support the importance of Global education and the impact it can have on the learner. I am intrigued to learn more about the Jewish history of Budapest and Hungary, allowing me to connect with yet another important aspect of Klal Yisrael, and promoting a sense of community around the world.
I have been meditating on ways to bring my expertise to Lauder Javne and impact teachers as well as students. I have had the pleasure of leading professional development on a day to day basis at the Adelson Educational Campus. This is something I take great pride in and am passionate about, so much so that I pursued and completed a Masters in Instructional Design & Technology aiding me in delving deeper and building my experience to provide quality professional development. Last year I led workshops at the Apple Worldwide Institute providing hands-on training on how to teach coding to other Apple Distinguished educators from around the world. Over the past five years I have pursued and accomplished certifications through Code.org, Adobe, Apple, and Google enabling me to provide quality training to other teachers and staff in the areas of technology integration, digital media production, STEAM integration, project-based learning, classroom management, and more. Additionally, I have presented interactive sessions at conferences around the United States and abroad where I led adult educators and administrators through activities and learning to help expand on their experiences of leading and providing professional development, Jewish studies and technology learning, STEAM education, and design thinking.
I am well versed in andragogy, adult learning and hoping to use my knowledge to develop workshops and exchange opportunities between the staff at Lauder and myself. This is something that I have built experience in over the years, as well as built on through my Master’s program studies last year. I am excited to share my Instructional Design and Technology skills and help other Morim develop them in turn. For this coming year, one of my goals and desires is to create global connections through Design Thinking Projects in our Incubator, and this opportunity would be ideal to foster such connections. I would love to help students and educators capture and share their learning. It would be exciting to “be like Steven Spielberg” and capture audio stories and history shared (if permitted) in order to set up web resources that could be further shared and developed. Having worn many hats over the years, I developed an ability to help mentor students and would love the chance to help guide ours and theirs through this “once in a lifetime” exciting learning opportunity.
One final note I would like to share is that I continue to be passionate about helping students make connections with Jewish History and Cultures around the world. With having been afforded this opportunity, I look forward to what we could design and build together for all of our teachers and students.
I try to approach everybody and everything with this attitude, at home, and at work as well.
I’m lucky that I had the chance to spend another week with Mara Bier and Shelley Remer at our school in Budapest. I could deepen my knowledge, and I’m happy that my colleagues, my team could be part of this learning process too. The more of us know and understand what a child needs in order to become a successful, creative, environmentally conscious adult – who can stand up for themselves and others, who can say NO to the things they don’t like – the more certain the success is!
We have to trust and believe in our children. If we believe that they are able to put their shoes on, we should also believe that they know what makes them curious, what are they interested in. Our job is to bring in values, provide a safe environment and give them the opportunity to try and experience as many things as possible.
My three sons are 3 different personalities. I never wanted to behave with all three of them the same way. My relationship with them is based on honesty and trust, this is the strongest bond.
My advice to all those who work with children: take a step back, squat down when you are amongst them, and then you will meet the miracle, this wonderful world will open for you!
Thank you for the opportunity SOS International. ~ Szonja Merenyi, Director Lauder Javne Ovoda, Budapest, Hungary
Mara and Shelley
So many ideas and no recipe, no one way to do it. It’s not an easy package to have gotten. We return and place ourselves back to our environment but we are ourselves changed!
But these Italians have some recipes! The ones they use at the Pegaso, our daily frequented restaurant. This was the place that fed our bodies after a days worth of mind and soul food. And at that it was amazing! We tried many times to break from it but it kept pulling us in, and thus we were bringing more and more people there!
The gnocchi with truffle mushroom sauce was my personal favorite. Not to mention the prosecco that bubbled it all down. Some of us couldn’t break away from the pizza quatro fromagi! It was cozy inside and out and the waiter felt like an old friend by the end of the week. So Mara, we took your advice and took good care of our bodies! Thanks for all! ~ Vera Marton, Early Childhood Educator, Lauder Javne Ovoda, Budapest, Hungary
It was an inspiring, intense and beautiful week. Thank you for the opportunity SOS International and Mara Bier! Thank you for your trust and for the investment ~ Szonja Merenyi, Director Lauder Javne Early Childhood Center, Budapest, Hungary
Read more of Szonja’s posts here
On Tuesday we met with a few atelieristas. They introduced us to the culture of the atelier through some
powerpoints. After this, we could try how it works in practice. We explored different kinds of paper, we tried to create freely, without restraints. We could share our thinking and researching of our creations with each other. In the afternoon we visited the Documentation and Educational Research Center. We spoke about its works and mission. We saw exhibitions about metaphors as a tool for learning and about the shapes, that interact with things. Mara always helps us to interpret the things heard and seen. She gives us opportunities for asking questions. It was also a very exciting and useful day for all of us.
~ Szonja Merenji, Director Lauder Javne Ovada, Budapest, Hungary