Today…To Hungary… Really?
Today. Today, in a couple of hours, I will scramble into the car with my overpacked luggage and enthusiastic smile. In a couple of hours I will be dropped off at the check-in counter, ready to depart ...
Today. Today, in a couple of hours, I will scramble into the car with my overpacked luggage and enthusiastic smile. In a couple of hours I will be dropped off at the check-in counter, ready to depart ...
Over this weekend, I had the privilege to attend the Beth Tfiloh High School annual Shabbaton. As cold gusts of wind blew, we gathered together to sing and eat together after some deep ...
As I patiently waited to hear whether I would be accepted to attend the trip to the Sandor Scheiber Gimnazium school in Budapest, time dragged on. I really hoped to get in. Ever since the fall when ...
This coming Sunday I will leave for Hungary to teach at the Scheiber Sandor Jewish Day School in Budapest. Since this is my third year as a guest teacher in the school, you would think that I would ...
I have carefully placed my lesson plans in a clear, plastic folder, neatly typed and ready for me to engage a class of 8th graders and one of 12th graders. I have stacked my clothes in tidy packable ...
With less than a week left before I depart for Hungary, I nervously await the journey to come. When I first read my name on the acceptance email, I felt ecstatic. I felt ...
As I sit here in my comfy chair in my room I feel an uncontrollable excitement for my upcoming trip to Budapest. I think back to when my journey with SOS began with a Shabbaton that I attended earlier ...
As the day of departure gets close, I become equally excited and nervous. The excitement from the knowledge that I will be going to another country to help teach a very important subject, Judaism. But ...
Less than two weeks remain before our departure. Each day anticipation builds, and questions float through my mind—will I make connections? Will I have fun? Will I be successful in enriching the Jewish ...
I don’t know where to start this. I’m sad and happy and at the same time, I have gained something unforgettable and special for the rest of my life, but also as it started, it came to an end so ...
This trip was an unforgettable experience for me. It was a great opportunity to meet new and amazing people and meet another culture.
In my opinion, the organization for the programs after school or ...
I’m feeling happy because the absence of them makes me sad.
There are some things in life that are so significant for you that you literally feel depressed after losing it. I think it is also true ...
I was so excited about this trip. The time went by so slow from April to October. Usually, nobody wants the summer break to end but this year I was waiting for the school to start because it meant my ...
For me this trip was a very big experience. At the beginning, the time difference was hard for me and I was tired a little bit during the day. The school was a very good experience for me, and it was ...
If I have to describe our trip with one word, it would be: UNFORGETTABLE.
It was amazing to reunite with my friends from the other side of the world. Getting off the bus at BT for the first time, even ...
This year we have spent the Shabbaton in Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School. Our host Rabbi Soskil did his best to make this Shabbaton unforgettable for both the kids and all the teachers participating ...
I was sure that the Shabbaton was going to be amazing based on my experience from my first one with the BT kids. First we all went back to the school. The girls put their stuff down in the library and ...
To this day our seminars have become completed by those missing pieces which made them much better. BT students did not hesitate to ask and SSG kids were able to release stress.. this was the night ...
This was our fourth day in BT, which is unbelievable, because time it feels like we have just arrived and we are part of this community for years at the same. Days are passing so fast that I can’t ...